Monday, December 3, 2018

More Dirty Laundry.....

Earlier this year I had written about how the epidemic money laundering conducted on Alibaba, Amazon and store fronts had contributed to the economic devastation of heartland America over the years. See my Amazon, Walmart,,,,,Chinese Potting Soil and the 34th Amendment.... post.

The New York Times recently picked up on the problem, as described in a wonderfully entertaining, head scratching article by Jenny Odell, cited below.

It's clear from the article that Jenny is a very bright, talented and inquisitive writer.  She's a faculty member and lecturer at Stanford.  I love the way she investigates and writes.  It's also clear that she's not a forensic accountant, since she, unfortunately, missed the main theme of what she's written about.  What Jenny has discovered and wonderfully described has been hiding in plain sight for years.  Jenny has stumbled onto an exceptional mini-chronicle of "weirdness" that's become endemic in US eCommerce.  Simply put, the Chinese Communist Party has designed an incredible ecosystem to facilitate money laundering, in their never ending quest for US dollars, using silly, questionable American e-Commerce storefronts.  The CCP has become relentlessly adept at running exceptionally goofy eCommerce frauds operating right under regulatory noses, which move untold amounts of US Dollars off shore in exchange for no real value. 

There is no other possible explanation for this coordinated buffoonery.  There's no apparent, easy way to fix this problem without significant Amazon and Walmart participation.  Unfortunately, both are effectively paid to look the other way. 

This is much more significant to the US Economy and monetary policy than we are prepared to imagine.   

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